HOW we’re different
Our students become more successful. That’s our mission, and the reason we do what we do. We strive for the students at Educational Resources to experience better grades, improved and individualized learning strategies, and increased self-confidence. We watch them develop confidence and focus through our tutoring programs, and then we celebrate with them when their hard work and dedication result in better grades.
Our TEACHING SPECIALISTS are experts in their fields of study
We understand that students are more likely to be successful when they have an excellent relationship with their tutor or teacher. We take care to match each student with the teaching specialist who best meets their academic needs.
Our teachers create lesson plans according to your child’s learning style, so each tutoring session is tailored specifically for best results.
We carefully match each student with a tutor whom we feel will develop an excellent relationship with your child.
Our tutors all have extensive prior teaching experience and are trained in the time-tested methods we use to help students earn higher grades and test scores!